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The month of May has been filled with flowers in bloom, blue skies and warm evening walks. OH, and a lengthy visit with my sister from Texas! We had the most fun taking advantage of less people than normal in New York City and the perfect spring temperatures.

If you follow along on Instagram, you’ll know this visit led me to have a beautifully prepped journal that spent a lot of time on the shelf while I was off exploring with her. That’s how things go sometimes. Most of my journaling from this month is less about looking forward and more about reflecting on the memories we made together. I love keeping a journal that provides structure, but more importantly- reflects the flexibility and adaptability of reality.

In terms of the creative details from this month’s spreads, these big, groovy-like flowers are so simple to doodle. I just let my hand do the leading and my mind do the following. But if you are looking for something even more simple, I made this pattern available in a free printable. To add this pattern to your future pages, sign up for once a month emails to receive free printables, coupon codes and product announcements.

May Pages

Goal Setting

Monthly Calendar

Monthly Cover Page

Monthly Calendar Spread

Weekly Page

Weekly Spread

Habit Tracker

Closing Spread

Month in Review

Note to Self

I love writing myself little love notes. Especially when I work ahead in my journal, and then I discover one I left for my future self to read. Here are some thoughts I had from a recent note to self…

Normally, I would read this and think of big, life-changing things I might accomplish one day. While I often am excited by such possibility, I can also end up slightly overwhelmed by the magnitude and the speed at which I would like to master such ambition. In the conflict of such a thought, I realized how much world changing happens in small acts such as, listening thoughtfully to someone, learning something new or now being able to smile at a stranger while walking on the street.

When we are living each day with the intention to leave the world better than we found it, no matter how big or small the act, we are actively taking part in changing the world. That simple task is so much more approachable and realistic, encompassing our biggest ambitions and our most realistic experiences. I hope this grace empowers you to be present in the very moment you are in today. And don’t forget, leave yourself a note to self sometime. You’ll be glad you did.

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